Ultimote not working

Hello MyDeveloper Games

I purchased http://www.mydevelopersgames.com/ultimote.html but it can’t seem to get it to work.

I downloaded the libraries and gave the demo a run using the iOS app ($21.99 AUD) and it worked.  I then added the lua libraries to my project and added these lines to my project where I had corona remote code for accelerometer library (http://www.coronaremote.com).

ultimote =require"Ultimote"; ultimote.connect();

I can’t get any data to pass through to my project (the demo works ok though).

I am running iOS 7 and CoronaSDK-2014.2237, OSX 10.9.2, no firewalls.

I had this code with corona remote, do I need to put ultimate property reads to read data or does ultimate overwrite hardware events.  I removed the remote references when I tried to switch to ultimate.

 if isSimulator then -- Running on Simulator xGravityLast = remote.xGravity yGravityLast = remote.yGravity zGravityLast = remote.zGravity if remote.isShake then DoPrint( "The device has being shaken!" ) AppShaken = True end else -- Running on Device zGravityLast = event.zGravity xGravityLast = event.xGravity yGravityLast = event.yGravity if event.isShake then DoPrint( "The device has being shaken!" ) AppShaken = True end end

Anyone else use Ultimote? I have resubmitted a bug report to http://www.mydevelopersgames.com/index.html#services-section after 5 days but no reply.

Im still figuring out if this app can actually pass gyro/compass etc values to my simulated app from a physical device?

The ConnectionDemo2 has this code

local ultimote = require("Ultimote") ultimote.connect()

It has add handlers for accelerometer data (same as me)

function moveCubeAccelerometer(e) print("accelerometer event") --renderingGFX.scale(e.yGravity) userY = (e.yGravity\*50) / 1000 userX = -(e.xGravity\*50) / 1000 end Runtime:addEventListener ("accelerometer", moveCubeAccelerometer)

I can’t receive accelerometer data at all???

Any comment on this problem from MyDeveloper Games?

Multiple emails to the official support at http://www.mydevelopersgames.com but no reply?

Touch events in one demo work on iPhone 5 but not other events in the demo or in my code using the two lines suggested.

Requested a refund from Apple Store ($21 AUD for a buggy app with no support).

Sorry about this situation. Would you like to try the android version? Also would you like to try Glider ide ultimote? This will sidestep the problems with the network connection because glider will be running on the local machine. Please let us know and we can gchat with you later today if you are available. Regards, M.Y. Developers

Anyone else use Ultimote? I have resubmitted a bug report to http://www.mydevelopersgames.com/index.html#services-section after 5 days but no reply.

Im still figuring out if this app can actually pass gyro/compass etc values to my simulated app from a physical device?

The ConnectionDemo2 has this code

local ultimote = require("Ultimote") ultimote.connect()

It has add handlers for accelerometer data (same as me)

function moveCubeAccelerometer(e) print("accelerometer event") --renderingGFX.scale(e.yGravity) userY = (e.yGravity\*50) / 1000 userX = -(e.xGravity\*50) / 1000 end Runtime:addEventListener ("accelerometer", moveCubeAccelerometer)

I can’t receive accelerometer data at all???

Any comment on this problem from MyDeveloper Games?

Multiple emails to the official support at http://www.mydevelopersgames.com but no reply?

Touch events in one demo work on iPhone 5 but not other events in the demo or in my code using the two lines suggested.

Requested a refund from Apple Store ($21 AUD for a buggy app with no support).

Sorry about this situation. Would you like to try the android version? Also would you like to try Glider ide ultimote? This will sidestep the problems with the network connection because glider will be running on the local machine. Please let us know and we can gchat with you later today if you are available. Regards, M.Y. Developers

Thanks or your reply.

I have moved away from Glider IDE and Ultimote.  

I found an awesome hardware events to Simulator app called coremoter here https://itunes.apple.com/au/app/coremoter/id465045046?mt=8

It’s 1/3 the price and has more features.

I use this code to setup the hardware events server in my app.

if isSimulator then local remoter = require("remoter") DoPrint("startService: "..tostring(remoter.startService("udp", 1974))) end 

Code here: https://code.google.com/p/coremoter/downloads/list

Good luck with Ultimote though.

Thanks or your reply.

I have moved away from Glider IDE and Ultimote.  

I found an awesome hardware events to Simulator app called coremoter here https://itunes.apple.com/au/app/coremoter/id465045046?mt=8

It’s 1/3 the price and has more features.

I use this code to setup the hardware events server in my app.

if isSimulator then local remoter = require("remoter") DoPrint("startService: "..tostring(remoter.startService("udp", 1974))) end 

Code here: https://code.google.com/p/coremoter/downloads/list

Good luck with Ultimote though.

Ultimote is not connecting. I’m using the latest version of everything. No help anywhere.


Please increase the network card priority to the top. Also, if you are using virtual machines sometimes this can interfere with the communications. Please let us know if this helps.


M.Y. Developers

Ultimote is not connecting. I’m using the latest version of everything. No help anywhere.


Please increase the network card priority to the top. Also, if you are using virtual machines sometimes this can interfere with the communications. Please let us know if this helps.


M.Y. Developers