Hello MyDeveloper Games
I purchased http://www.mydevelopersgames.com/ultimote.html but it can’t seem to get it to work.
I downloaded the libraries and gave the demo a run using the iOS app ($21.99 AUD) and it worked. I then added the lua libraries to my project and added these lines to my project where I had corona remote code for accelerometer library (http://www.coronaremote.com).
ultimote =require"Ultimote"; ultimote.connect();
I can’t get any data to pass through to my project (the demo works ok though).
I am running iOS 7 and CoronaSDK-2014.2237, OSX 10.9.2, no firewalls.
I had this code with corona remote, do I need to put ultimate property reads to read data or does ultimate overwrite hardware events. I removed the remote references when I tried to switch to ultimate.
if isSimulator then -- Running on Simulator xGravityLast = remote.xGravity yGravityLast = remote.yGravity zGravityLast = remote.zGravity if remote.isShake then DoPrint( "The device has being shaken!" ) AppShaken = True end else -- Running on Device zGravityLast = event.zGravity xGravityLast = event.xGravity yGravityLast = event.yGravity if event.isShake then DoPrint( "The device has being shaken!" ) AppShaken = True end end