Unable to add GameThrive plugins to Xcode.

I am adding GameThrive plugins to my iOS app using Enterprise. The build process is successful, but during runtime, I am getting this error:

Runtime error module 'plugin.GameThrivePushNotifications' not found:resource (plugin.GameThrivePushNotifications.lu) does not exist in archive no field package.preload['plugin.GameThrivePushNotifications'] no file '/Users/facv01/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/CABB3976-399E-4BB9-BCB3-C77FF7EE1A3E/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/B72A38AB-5216-488D-958D-B6B52C9181E2/Steve Jobs.app/plugin.GameThrivePushNotifications.lua' no file '/Users/facv01/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/CABB3976-399E-4BB9-BCB3-C77FF7EE1A3E/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/B72A38AB-5216-488D-958D-B6B52C9181E2/Steve Jobs.app/plugin.GameThrivePushNotifications.lua' no file './plugin.GameThrivePushNotifications.so' no file '/Users/facv01/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/CABB3976-399E-4BB9-BCB3-C77FF7EE1A3E/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/B72A38AB-5216-488D-958D-B6B52C9181E2/Steve Jobs.app/plugin.GameThrivePushNotifications.so' no file './plugin.so' no file '/Users/facv01/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/CABB3976-399E-4BB9-BCB3-C77FF7EE1A3E/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/B72A38AB-5216-488D-958D-B6B52C9181E2/Steve Jobs.app/plugin.so'plugin.GameThrivePushNotifications stack traceback:

I am following instruction from here and here

  1. Build Phases > Link Binary in Libraries > Add ‘CoronaEnterprise/Plugins/gamethrive/2014.2430/iphone/libplugin_GameThrivePushNotifications.a’

  2. Added ObjC to ‘Other Linker Flags’

3. Enable “Background Modes” and check “Remote notifications” 

  1. Build and run in iOS simulator

  2. Got the error above.

What is the problem?


This is Josh with GameThrive, you should only have to follow our Corona Enterprise documentation unless your making a native app and using CoronaCards. If you also included our native SDK it could be conflicting with the Corona one. Can you try creating a new project from scratch following just the Corona documentation?

Our plugin shouldn’t interfere with running your app in the simulator but note that Apple does not support push notifications in the simulator and they only work on a device.



I had tried to add the plugin by just follow Corona Enterprise documentation that you mentioned, but failed. 

This is how I add the .a file:

  1. Product -> Clear
  2. Select General -> Linked Frameworks & Libraries
  3. Click the ‘+’ button at the end of the list, and navigate to CoronaEnterprise/Plugins/GameThrive/2014.2430/iphone/libplugin_GameThrivePushNotifications.a
  4. Enabled remote notification in background mode.
  5. Build (build success, but having runtime error, saying plugin.GameThrivePushNotifications.lu not found)

I had checked that Build Settings -> Linking -> Other Linker Flags, ‘-ObjC’ is included, as requested by Corona.

I also notice ‘$(SYSTEM_APPS_DIR)/CoronaEnterprise/Plugins/gamethrive/2014.2430/iphone’ is added to Build Settings -> Search Paths -> Library Search Paths. 

I am using XCode 6.1.1

Anything wrong?

It looks like you got things up and running now. What did you do to fix your issue?


This is Josh with GameThrive, you should only have to follow our Corona Enterprise documentation unless your making a native app and using CoronaCards. If you also included our native SDK it could be conflicting with the Corona one. Can you try creating a new project from scratch following just the Corona documentation?

Our plugin shouldn’t interfere with running your app in the simulator but note that Apple does not support push notifications in the simulator and they only work on a device.



I had tried to add the plugin by just follow Corona Enterprise documentation that you mentioned, but failed. 

This is how I add the .a file:

  1. Product -> Clear
  2. Select General -> Linked Frameworks & Libraries
  3. Click the ‘+’ button at the end of the list, and navigate to CoronaEnterprise/Plugins/GameThrive/2014.2430/iphone/libplugin_GameThrivePushNotifications.a
  4. Enabled remote notification in background mode.
  5. Build (build success, but having runtime error, saying plugin.GameThrivePushNotifications.lu not found)

I had checked that Build Settings -> Linking -> Other Linker Flags, ‘-ObjC’ is included, as requested by Corona.

I also notice ‘$(SYSTEM_APPS_DIR)/CoronaEnterprise/Plugins/gamethrive/2014.2430/iphone’ is added to Build Settings -> Search Paths -> Library Search Paths. 

I am using XCode 6.1.1

Anything wrong?

It looks like you got things up and running now. What did you do to fix your issue?