unable to add Tab Bar

this is my basic code to add tabbar I dont get any error but it shows me a blank screen,the tab bar is not being displayed

local widget = require(“widget”)

local tabButtons={

– Create the widget
local tabBar = widget.newTabBar
        top = display.contentHeight +30,
        width = display.contentWidth-50,
        buttons = tabButtons 
tabBar.isVisible = true

basically I am trying to create a grid menu using the tabbar,is it a good idea to use a tabbar or buttons,I will have images as the background of each tab.

Are there any messages in your Corona console log?


this is  the warning in the  console

WARNING: unrecognized key: settings.orientation.content (string)

I fixed it now though just some bad co-ordinates caused the problem,

Where can I find the list of properties that I can add to this above table(tabButtons) just as similar to height,width etc


There are working examples in the WidgetDemo sample app (SampleCode/Interface/WidgetDemo)

You can also look at the business app sample:  https://github.com/coronalabs-samples/business-app-sample

And the CoronaWeather sample.https://github.com/coronalabs-samples/CoronaWeather

for examples.


thanks for the reply I will take a look

Are there any messages in your Corona console log?


this is  the warning in the  console

WARNING: unrecognized key: settings.orientation.content (string)

I fixed it now though just some bad co-ordinates caused the problem,

Where can I find the list of properties that I can add to this above table(tabButtons) just as similar to height,width etc


There are working examples in the WidgetDemo sample app (SampleCode/Interface/WidgetDemo)

You can also look at the business app sample:  https://github.com/coronalabs-samples/business-app-sample

And the CoronaWeather sample.https://github.com/coronalabs-samples/CoronaWeather

for examples.


thanks for the reply I will take a look