Recently, I’ve learned how to use images for my game but I’ve ran into an issue. I would like to categorize my files my putting image files inside a folder called “tileTextures”, Unfortunately, this causes an error.
16:43:37.639 WARNING: C:\Users\User\Documents\Corona Projects\MMORPG\main.lua:5: Failed to find image ‘tileTextures.grass.png’
16:43:37.639 ERROR: Runtime error
–// Variables \–
local settings = require(“assets.settings”)
–local grass = display.newImageRect(settings.grass, 50, 50 )
local grass = display.newImageRect(“grass.png”, 50, 50)
grass.x = display.contentCenterX
grass.y = display.contentCenterY
– Side note, settings.grass = “tileTextures.grass.png”
so what I did next was move the grass.png out of the folder and re referenced it ass “grass.png”. So how would I placed it into a folder without it causing errors?