Unable to use plugin

When I add the plugin to the build.setting file as described in the documentation, I get this error:

D:\a\corona\corona\platform\resources\init.lua:931: module
'iap badger' not found:
no field package.preload['iap badger']
no file
Simulator\Plugins\iap badger.lua•
no file 'iap badger.lua•
no file
Files\SoIar2D\Resources\iap badger.lua•
no file 'Niap badger.lua•
no file Files\SoIar2D\Iua\iap badger.lua•
no file
Files\SoIar2D\Iua\iap badger\init.lua•
no file Files\SoIar2D\iap badger.lua•
no file Files\SoIar2D\iap badger\init.lua•
no file
Simulator\Plugins\iap badger.dll'
no file •.\iap badger.dll'
no file
Files\SoIar2D\Resources\iap badger.dll'
no file 'Niap badger.dll'
no file Files\SoIar2D\iap badger.dll'
no file
no file
Simulator\Plugins\iap badger.dll'
no file 'Niap badger.dll'
no file
Files\SoIar2D\Resources\iap badger.dll'
no file •.\iap badger.dll'
no file Files\SoIar2D\iap badger.dll'
no file
stack traceback:
[C]: in function •require'
D:\a\corona\corona\platform\resources\init.lua:931: in
function •require'
main.lua:13: in main chunk
Do you want to relaunch the project?

Any plugin is displayed as such, even if it is a direct example of a running plugin

You can download iap_badger.lua from github and write the path to this plugin in your main.lua through “require”.

It’s running, so if I want to use the plugin I have to download the corresponding lua file locally?

Is this Linux? Did you create the folder structure yourself? Why is it SoIar and not Solar (capital “eye” and not capital “el”)?

No, it’s Windows, and besides I can’t understand your last question, could you elaborate a bit more? Thank you.

Oh, sorry I misrepresented myself, I meant can you be specific about the last question? I don’t quite understand what that means.

No problem. I am not that familiar with Windows. Usually, I run it on MacOS (and sometimes Linux). So all this might be normal.

I see in the logs this (notice the L in Solar2d it is an I)

Files\SoIar2D\Resources\iap badger.dll

instead of:

Files\Solar2D\Resources\iap badger.dll

My first question here would be if you’re requiring the plugins correctly.

    plugins = {
        ["plugin.iap_badger"] = {
            publisherId = "uk.co.happymongoose",

If you are loading them correctly and you’re still getting the original error message, then I would wager there’s something wrong with your Internet connection such as a firewall.

Thanks, the problem has now been solved because of a network issue, but if I download the plugin locally it works, but strangely when building the project to Android and running it on the device, I still have the problem of not finding the plugin, it seems that the local Admob-Android plugin downloaded to the local area is not being built into the project, is there any way to solve this problem?