Hi brent,
No this is an other issue, by the way I forgot to lock the other topic sorry for that, I’ll do it today.
Everything was worked fine until I try to handle my game for old device and now depending on the device the collision work differently…
i’m running the game in hybrid on device and simulator and the physics look right on both of them, I think it’s about the condition, the config.lua and the way is scaling the world, but not sure … I thought it’s was due to my camera but even when I disable it, I got the physic problem
The physics engine give me a lot of headhache, I’m missing something ^^
My workflow is the following:
preloading all platform tiled like that
loading Platforms tiled and assembled them and adding Physics when needed
Finally handling preCollision and Collision for the player
EDIT : I removed the huge code I have posted to simply the reading because it was unnecessary, I can put back some if someone need it.
So until here I don’t know what I’m doing wrong, I have just a doubt about the +8 you use on the precollision from the physics contact sample, I guessed it was event.other.height/8 and it was here to avoid some collision problem…
Can you enlighten me a bit if I’m wrong somewhere, I know it’s hard to say like that, but I’m stuck, because I don’t know where it could come from because in the simulator on every device you have implement to test it’s working fine …
if you need more detail, I will give you them with pleasure.
thanks a lot in advance