unexpected symbol near '<eof>'

settings =


  orientation =


    default = “landscapeLeft”,

    supported = { “landscapeLeft”, },



D:\Games\Corona SDK\Platform project\Platform project\main.lua:70: unexpected symbol near ‘<eof>’

help please

Your curly braces don’t match up. You need a closing one for the one under “settings =”


I’m not sure if that is the case, Rob.

Seems to me like @boombox.extra pasted 7 rows of code from build.settings, while the error occurs in main.lua. Am I just confused, or does the given code have nothing to do with the actual error? 


  • You’re looking at the wrong file for the issue.  Look at main.lua
  • look at line 70, and/or just before that.
  • eof stands for end-of-file
  • you’re probably looking for an unmatched bracket (curly or square) or an unmatched end 
  • alternately, you’ve got a invalid statement at or just before the end of the file

Your curly braces don’t match up. You need a closing one for the one under “settings =”


I’m not sure if that is the case, Rob.

Seems to me like @boombox.extra pasted 7 rows of code from build.settings, while the error occurs in main.lua. Am I just confused, or does the given code have nothing to do with the actual error? 


  • You’re looking at the wrong file for the issue.  Look at main.lua
  • look at line 70, and/or just before that.
  • eof stands for end-of-file
  • you’re probably looking for an unmatched bracket (curly or square) or an unmatched end 
  • alternately, you’ve got a invalid statement at or just before the end of the file