Hi. I typed up an answer then borked it by clicking the wrong button… so this second post will be a little less verbose. Sorry.
Thanks for posting the link. I did not however look and instead going directly to solution.
The trick to making this work is proper display group hierarchy and only moving the parent group, not child groups.
If you’re having physics issues, you are changing the alignment of groups relative to each other and this is borking you up.
Here is ONE way to do it.
Make The Layers
local layers = display.newGroup() layers.world = display.newGroup() layers.under = display.newGroup() layers.content = display.newGroup() layers.over = display.newGroup() – Insert layers into sceneGroup if you’re using composer.* sceneGroup:insert( layers ) layers:insert( layers.world ) layers.world:insert( layers.under ) layers.world:insert( layers.content ) layers.world:insert( layers.over ) – Now you have this BOTTOM TO TOP layering all packaged in – layers which has named fields refering to the groups for easy use – sceneGroup – if using composer – VERY BOTTOM – layers – world (child of layers) – under (child of world) – content (child of world) – over (child of world) – VERY TOP
Add Content In Correct Layers
Never add content to layers.world. This is your camera layer and should only contain the child groups we created.
local player = display.newImageRect( layers.content, ... ) -- add body, etc. local ground = display.newImageRect( layers.under, ... ) local cloud = display.newImageRect( layers.over, ... ) local enemy = display.newImageRect( layers.content, ... ) -- add body, etc. .. more as needed
The Camera Code
You are essentially talking about a camera above. This is a tracking camera.
local function attachCamera( trackObj, world, params ) params = params or {} local lockX = params.lockX local lockY = params.lockY local lx = 0 local ly = 0 lx = params.lx or trackObj.x ly = params.ly or trackObj.y world.enterFrame = function( event ) local dx = 0 local dy = 0 if(not lockX) then dx = trackObj.x - lx end if(not lockY) then dy = trackObj.y - ly end if(dx ~= 0 or dy ~= 0) then world:translate(-dx,-dy) lx = trackObj.x ly = trackObj.y end return false end Runtime:addEventListener( "enterFrame", world ) world.finalize = function( self ) Runtime:removeEventListener( "enterFrame", self ) end world:addEventListener( "finalize" ) end
Start Tracking Player
The function above supports a few options and you can explore them. I’ll show a call that matches your usage as I understand it:
-- \> Attach camera code to world and player and start tracking player -- \> Ignore Y movement, only track horizontal movement. -- \> Player may not be in center of screen, so assume it is not and track it at whatever -- offset it is at. attachCamera( player, layers.world, { lockY = true } )
That is it. This code updates the position of the world group ONLY and thus keeps all the other groups aligned, avoiding the physics problem you are seeing.