Unity ads not showing (loading)?

I am using the Unity plugin (new one) and have not included everything and also configured test ads in the Unity dashboard. I can get into the listener “init” phase but somehow my ads can not be loaded and shown.

Am I missing something? I am using rewarded ads but tried also interstitial ads.

Any help welcome!

I did go through all my code and discovered a really bad BUG… I had used Unity ads before in this game, then some months ago removed them by doing this:

_G.unityads ={}
_G.unityads.init=function() end
_G.unityads.load=function() end

Now (not remembering this step) I did create the NEW code in main.lua and using

unityads instead _G.unityads AND because this is the SAME basically I could go to INIT state, then the code for the load etc. was overwritten with function() end, so NEVER could get called!

FIXED! :slight_smile: