Unity Ads Plugin Broken?

Didn’t change any code, but something seems to have stopped working with the Unity plugin for me.

unityads.isLoaded() always returns false. No matter how many times I attempt to do unityads.load().

This code has been working perfectly for months with over a dozen updates submitted with no issues. It seems that this problem started in the second half of November for me.

Were there any plugin updates made around that time, or anyone else with this issue?

Maybe it needs and update :smiley:

You don’t mention which version of Solar2D you are using. The plugin hasn’t been updated since 2021, but if you are using the latest version of Solar2D, that could be the issue.

If you try to use test ads, does it work? (to do that you just set testmode in init, like this: .init( adListener, { gameId = gameId, testMode = true } )

If even in the testMode it does not work, then the issue would probably be on your side.

Which platform are you experiencing problems with?

I recommend using unityAds v4

Answers to some questions:

Tried with my stable build that I’ve been using for months without issues (3709) and I also tried with the latest build (3713). Same issue with both.

Doing a barebones setup still causes unityads.isLoaded() to always be false.

Initialization happens properly as expected (get the callback in the listener). I do unityads.load() as you’re supposed to (even tried doing this multiple times at different points in the app in case there’s a delay). I setup new ad units to see if that was the issue.

No matter what I do, isLoaded() ALWYAS returns false. This never used to be the case. Code literally hasn’t been touched in months.

Edit: as a last resort, I tried using IDs from one of my other apps and it works perfectly. Turns out it’s a problem on Unity’s end… -_- Sorry for all this!

No worries- it happens to the best of us… :grin: