Up-To-Date Autocomplete Wordlist

Updated on December 9, 2011 for Corona SDK 2011.701+

List has a new home on my blog:

[import]uid: 10478 topic_id: 10613 reply_id: 310613[/import]

Nice, thanks! :slight_smile: [import]uid: 33866 topic_id: 10613 reply_id: 38620[/import]

Two more!

sprite.newSpriteMultiSet({ { sheet = , frames = { n1, n2, nx} }, }) [import]uid: 10478 topic_id: 10613 reply_id: 39577[/import]

New Audio Session API as of build 544.
Beware, as the API is not finalized those can be changed or removed in the future.

audio.setSessionProperty( , )
audio.getSessionProperty( )
audio.PlayAndRecordMixMode [import]uid: 10478 topic_id: 10613 reply_id: 41337[/import]

Cool, thank you for doing this!

Jay [import]uid: 9440 topic_id: 10613 reply_id: 41431[/import]

You’re welcome…

l intend to keep mine up-to-date. So, just sharing it here… :slight_smile:

P.S. Just updated above code-list with current full version… [import]uid: 10478 topic_id: 10613 reply_id: 41449[/import]

Added Gyroscope API (Build 544)

system.setGyroscopeInterval( )
system.hasEventSource( )
event.zRotation [import]uid: 10478 topic_id: 10613 reply_id: 41650[/import]

You can use these if you have the bitmapfont library, found somewhere in the forum.

bmf.newString(, “”)

I’m writing one for lime, but if anyone already has started let me know so we don’t have to do double work.

How about coronaUI, anyone made a list for that?
[import]uid: 13560 topic_id: 10613 reply_id: 42113[/import]

Added Game Network API (Build 556-557)

gameNetwork.init ( )
gameNetwork.request ( )
gameNetwork.show ( ) [import]uid: 10478 topic_id: 10613 reply_id: 44971[/import]

Updated for 2011.591

[lua]json.encode( )
json.decode( )
json.null( )
physics.removeBody( )
timer.pause( )
timer.resume( )
widget.newEmbossedText( , , , , , )
widget.newButton( )
widget.newToolbar( )
widget.newSegmentedControl( )
widget.newSlider( )
widget.newScrollView( )
widget.newTableView( )
widget.newPickerWheel( [ )
ads.init( , )
ads.show( )
ads.hide( )[/lua] [import]uid: 10478 topic_id: 10613 reply_id: 50552[/import]

This is amazing! Thanks for doing this. Most appreciated.

Jay, it would be great if CPM pulled updates from central repository which you could host on your site. Folks who provide updates can email or post here and then you can merge them into the master update file. A little feature for future perhaps. Just an idea. Thanks [import]uid: 11904 topic_id: 10613 reply_id: 51797[/import]

Yes, that would be *very* handy and I want to do that, but I have to change CPM first so it doesn’t lump the official list in with the user-generated list. Right now they’re the same so doing an update would blow out everything you added while coding (stuff is added automatically as you write code).

It’s not a huge problem, I just need to find time to put it in. Hopefully soon.

[import]uid: 9440 topic_id: 10613 reply_id: 51811[/import]

@ksan you are welcome! :slight_smile:

@jay Regarding the user-generated list update, can you also make “auto adding” optional? [import]uid: 10478 topic_id: 10613 reply_id: 51864[/import]

Anyone else having a problem reaching the link in the first post?

I’m getting an eror message – something about too many redirects.

I’d like to include the latest list in the version of CPM that’s going out soon.

[import]uid: 9440 topic_id: 10613 reply_id: 52586[/import]

Yup. Can get to it. Sending you an email [import]uid: 11904 topic_id: 10613 reply_id: 52606[/import]


Sorry for that, I was trying out a service and their DNS caused that redirect loop problem. I’ve reverted back but changes are not fully propagated yet. I guess that includes Alaska.

Since ksan (thanks!) sending it I won’t’ but the site also should be accessible for you later today. [import]uid: 10478 topic_id: 10613 reply_id: 52622[/import]

No problem; that’s the internet for you. :slight_smile:

[import]uid: 9440 topic_id: 10613 reply_id: 52623[/import]

Updated for 2011.612

graphics.newGradient( , )[/lua] [import]uid: 10478 topic_id: 10613 reply_id: 54782[/import]

I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again – thank you for taking the time to do this. It’s *greatly* appreciated.

Now that the “official” and “user-generated” lists are separate in the latest version of CPM I can look at doing an auto-update of the word list.

I’ll drop you an email, PixelEnvision, to see if it’s possible to just continue to piggy-back off your work. :slight_smile:

[import]uid: 9440 topic_id: 10613 reply_id: 54783[/import]

You’re most welcome…

Of course that’s possible, just LMK. Mine is a small contribution to the most useful CSDK tool… :slight_smile:

[import]uid: 10478 topic_id: 10613 reply_id: 54825[/import]