Update: New Release Burble (IOS iPAD) -- NOW iPHONE TOO

Hi there!

We are a husband and wife team from A Funny Development who just released our first iPad app and now iPhone too! We are very excited about it and hope that you will help us out by giving it a spin. It is a FREE word game with in-app purchases. It’s called “Burble”.

The name Burble was given because of the babbling, seemingly nonsensical words that come out of your mouth as you play (alone or with fun-loving friends!). Clyde, the horse mascot, tests you by giving you 3 clues to the final puzzle. Get it right, and YEE-HAW, you’re on your way to the next puzzle with a tally of coins and points! Spend those hard-earned coins on extra clues, vowels and even to retry a clue.

Hum along with the foot-tapping music and laugh out loud with Boon and his pals! …You’ll laugh at yourself as you finally hear what you’re saying, not what you’re seeing!

Thank you for your checking it out! Enjoy the game!


Sherri / Rick



