Update SSL root


I have several Windows development machines with Corona installed. One of them (Windows 7 machine) always raises an error on the network.request function (event.isError) when making a request to an https site with a Lets Encrypt cert. All of the other machines with the exact code are able to make request just fine. How do I update the root certificates? Corona update? OS update? Java update?

Thank you for any help you can provide.


I don’t have an answer for this, other than see what Google can find. I’ve never seen a place where we don’t anything with root certificates other than use them. I’ve asked Engineering if they have any advice.


Root certificates are updated with Windows Update. If you have windows update disabled for some reason, you can try updating them manually, here’s what I googled: http://woshub.com/updating-trusted-root-certificates-in-windows-10/

Read more here:


I don’t have an answer for this, other than see what Google can find. I’ve never seen a place where we don’t anything with root certificates other than use them. I’ve asked Engineering if they have any advice.


Root certificates are updated with Windows Update. If you have windows update disabled for some reason, you can try updating them manually, here’s what I googled: http://woshub.com/updating-trusted-root-certificates-in-windows-10/

Read more here:
