currently corona is using AdColony 3.3.5 (2018/06/27)
the latest AdColony is 3.3.11 (2019/07/15)
in this year span adcolony fixed and improved stability.
Can you please integrate the latest SDK (no api change, just rebuilding)
currently corona is using AdColony 3.3.5 (2018/06/27)
the latest AdColony is 3.3.11 (2019/07/15)
in this year span adcolony fixed and improved stability.
Can you please integrate the latest SDK (no api change, just rebuilding)
I’ve asked Engineering to look into this.
Hi Rob;
Could your engineering team also take a hard look at Chartboost – which is way behind on the SDK version as well (I believe)?
This “paid” plugin (I’ve paid for it for many years) has had problems that I and others have commented on several times without any attention/resolution. See :
It would be great if updating this plugin would return it to reliability.
Thanks Rob. Appreciate it.
Thanks Rob for checking adcolony.
updating the plugin will improve stability and performance, hope it’s an easy one.
Adcolony was updated to iOS / Android 3.3.11
Chartboost was updated to iOS 8.0.1 / Android 7.5.0
Please thank your engineers. Really appreciate it.
Regarding Adcolony android
previously it printed:
I/Corona (14771): plugin.adcolony: 2.1.3 (SDK: 3.3.5)
Now it prints
I/Corona (13271): plugin.adcolony: 2.1.3 (SDK: )
What version of Corona are you using @MartingK?
Engineering did add this note: “did some refactoring to prevent crashes” to the message regarding AdColony. It’s possible printing the local SDK version was part of that refactoring. I dug through the source of the recent change and one of the things that was refactored was a hard coding of the SDK version number. This comment was in the old code that got changed:
"AdColony.getSDKVersion() doesn’t return the correct version. Actually, from their docs: “Will return an empty String if AdColony has not yet been configured.”
The printing of the SDK version was probably considered a hack, and we’re going back to the way it should work.
I just check the printing to confirm what adcolomy version is being used. what other way you suggest ?
I still use 2019.3523
“Adcolony: ios: android: 3.3.11” is the exact quote that the engineer who updated the plugin gave me.
I shared a comment from the previous version where we hard coded 3.3.5 because the AdColony SDK does not reliably return the SDK version. I’ve not had a chance to talk with Engineering to find out why they chose to remove the hard-coded version number, but they did say they refactored some things to avoid crashes and suspect that the hard-coded version number was victim of that refactoring and hard coding information like that isn’t a good engineering practice.
Until AdColony fixes their API to get the version number to actually reliably return a value, you likely will not be getting a value returned for that API.