Upgrading Corona Pro project to Corona Enterprise

My company has been developing an app in Corona Pro for about half a year now. At this time, we’ve decide to change to Corona Enterprise so that we can make use of an exterior library we really want to us.

I’ve been able to build one of Corona’s samples to device, so I know I have the build pipeline working. I would now like to reach out to anyone here that can provide any instructions on what needs to be done to take a Corona Pro project into Corona Enterprise and get it to build correctly, specifically for android platforms. 

In the Enterprise/Samples there are multiple samples of working projects.  I suspect what you need to do is to just use one of those samples as a base project and just replace everything in the Corona folder with your Corona Pro project.

And what to do - if that didnt helped?

I have copied over my Pro project to App/Corona folder. But size of builded version remained the same - 2mb+.

Should I manualy linked it anywahere?

Are you trying to build for Android or iOS?

Android build is more important.

I’m not sure I understand what issue you’re having.  Is it just that the resulting APK is large?  Is it that its not working?  If its not working what type of issue are you having?  Does it not install?  Do you have an issue trying to build the project?

I have a already game that i developed with PRO version - https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/royal-offense/id659970011?mt=8

Now I need to use Corona Enterprise to build it to include Amazon GameCircle.

I have completed:

  • Downloaded CoronaEnterprise

  • Builded SampleApp

I cant do this:

Copy ‘Corona Pro’ project to ‘Corona’ folder in App and build it. I have coped my game to App/Corona and building android version with command: ./build.sh /Applications/android-sdk (from App\android folder) - BUT new APK file dosent including my game - it just 2mb, when suppose to be 50mb+.

Have you tried running the sample app that you built?  Did it work?  What happens when you try to run the apk that you got from building with your corona pro project?

Silly me - I changed the name of project, and missed the new APK file =( - new APK file is a rigth size, BUT, it forced close when i`m trying to run it, and it dosent have my icos. Should I specialy set them somewhere?

You will need to modify the manifest file to change the icon.  You will also have to modify that for permissions, package name, etc.


In the Enterprise/Samples there are multiple samples of working projects.  I suspect what you need to do is to just use one of those samples as a base project and just replace everything in the Corona folder with your Corona Pro project.

And what to do - if that didnt helped?

I have copied over my Pro project to App/Corona folder. But size of builded version remained the same - 2mb+.

Should I manualy linked it anywahere?

Are you trying to build for Android or iOS?

Android build is more important.

I’m not sure I understand what issue you’re having.  Is it just that the resulting APK is large?  Is it that its not working?  If its not working what type of issue are you having?  Does it not install?  Do you have an issue trying to build the project?

I have a already game that i developed with PRO version - https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/royal-offense/id659970011?mt=8

Now I need to use Corona Enterprise to build it to include Amazon GameCircle.

I have completed:

  • Downloaded CoronaEnterprise

  • Builded SampleApp

I cant do this:

Copy ‘Corona Pro’ project to ‘Corona’ folder in App and build it. I have coped my game to App/Corona and building android version with command: ./build.sh /Applications/android-sdk (from App\android folder) - BUT new APK file dosent including my game - it just 2mb, when suppose to be 50mb+.

Have you tried running the sample app that you built?  Did it work?  What happens when you try to run the apk that you got from building with your corona pro project?

Silly me - I changed the name of project, and missed the new APK file =( - new APK file is a rigth size, BUT, it forced close when i`m trying to run it, and it dosent have my icos. Should I specialy set them somewhere?

You will need to modify the manifest file to change the icon.  You will also have to modify that for permissions, package name, etc.
