Upgrading your apps to Graph API v2.x (Facebook)

Hi corona guys.

Will the Facebook plugin be fully Graph Api 2 compliant? Im recieiving warnings on the Facebook Developer portal for some time: 

Upgrading your apps to Graph API v2.x

Below is a list of your affected apps, and the percentage of API calls over the last 7 days. To prevent broken experiences, you must upgrade all your apps’ API calls to v2.x by April 30, 2015.

Next Steps

Follow these simple steps to make sure your apps are ready for Graph API v2.x:

  1. Read the Changelog and the Upgrade Guide to see how your app may be affected.

  2. Use the latest iOSAndroidPHP and Javascript SDKs. These call the latest version by default.

  3. Submit your app for Login Review if you’re requesting more than the basic permissions.

Engineering says the SDK versions we are using for iOS and Android are already Graph API 2.x compliant.


Thx Rob,

Is it likely that users with old versions of the apps will still be making v1 calls, hence the warning messages from Facebook? The apps are no older than a year. 

Maybe we are only making v1 calls?


facebook.request( “me” ) – call we use


facebook.request( “v2.0/me” )


Its confusing to know whether your using version 1 or 2 when calling  facebook.login() also? 

It’s very likely it’s non-upgraded apps.  From what I can tell if you call facebook.request(“me”) you are getting the v2 all and you would have to use the v1.0/me to get the older call.


Engineering says the SDK versions we are using for iOS and Android are already Graph API 2.x compliant.


Thx Rob,

Is it likely that users with old versions of the apps will still be making v1 calls, hence the warning messages from Facebook? The apps are no older than a year. 

Maybe we are only making v1 calls?


facebook.request( “me” ) – call we use


facebook.request( “v2.0/me” )


Its confusing to know whether your using version 1 or 2 when calling  facebook.login() also? 

It’s very likely it’s non-upgraded apps.  From what I can tell if you call facebook.request(“me”) you are getting the v2 all and you would have to use the v1.0/me to get the older call.
