upload file to dropbox without OAuth2.0

I want to post a single zip file to dropbox from my apps without redirecting the user to the webpage that allows the user to login to dropbox and authorize my app. I don’t want the user to decide whether or not to allow my application.

I think the model proposed in the documentation can do it but I don’t know how.

here is what i do

local saveData = "hello  steeve !"
 local path = system.pathForFile( "fish.txt", system.DocumentsDirectory )
      local file = io.open( path, "w" )
       file:write( saveData )
      io.close( file )
       file = nil 

local bg = display.newImageRect("backgr.png", 960, 480 )
bg.x = display.contentCenterX
bg.y = display.contentCenterY
 mypatience = display.newText( "One moment please !", display.contentCenterX, 283, native.systemFont, 15  )
 mypatience:setFillColor( 0, 0, 0 )                 

app_key = "xxxxxxxxxx"			
app_secret = "xxxxxxxxxxx"		
 myFile = "fiche.txt"
mySigMethod = "PLAINTEXT"

local function networkListener( event )
    if ( event.isError ) then
        print( "Network error: ", event.response )
        mypatience.text = event.response
    elseif ( event.phase == "ended" ) then
        print ( "Upload complete!" )
        mypatience.text = "Upload complete!" 

  "POST",  networkListener, myFile, system.DocumentsDirectory, app_key, app_secret, "application/json" )

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