HI, sorry to bether all of you but I have one problem that I don’t undestand
I want to make one app and in this app the user should be able to upload images from his gallery and make a copy in the folder of the app
The selection of the image works well but I always recieve the image as nil
I did a new code ultra simple for testing but I still having the same issue (is the code below)
the logs that I have in andoird studio are:
Corona usap64 I JavaToNativeShim.resume(runtime)
Corona usap64 I controller.requestRender()
DecorView usap64 D onWindowFocusChangedFromViewRoot hasFocus: true, DecorView@1d61bfa[CoronaActivity]
ViewRootIm…aActivity] usap64 D windowFocusChanged hasFocus=true inTouchMode=true
MediaPlayer usap64 D create failed:
java.io.IOException: Prepare failed.: status=0x1
at android.media.MediaPlayer._prepare(Native Method)
at android.media.MediaPlayer.prepare(MediaPlayer.java:1306)
at android.media.MediaPlayer.create(MediaPlayer.java:929)
at android.media.MediaPlayer.create(MediaPlayer.java:902)
at android.media.MediaPlayer.create(MediaPlayer.java:881)
at com.ansca.corona.CoronaActivity.getDurationOfVideo(CoronaActivity.java:2248)
at com.ansca.corona.CoronaActivity.access$600(CoronaActivity.java:43)
at com.ansca.corona.CoronaActivity$SelectMediaActivityResultHandler$1.run(CoronaActivity.java:2483)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:923)
Corona usap64 I onComplete called
Corona usap64 I event.completed = true
Corona usap64 I photo = nil
I don’t even undestand the problem, the picker of the photo work, i choose different photos in different formats and resolutions but no idea…
someone have any clue where I should search?
local function onComplete(event)
print("onComplete called")
if event.completed then
print("event.completed = true")
print("event.completed = false")
local photo = event.target
if photo then
print("photo is not nil")
print("photo w,h = " .. photo.width .. "," .. photo.height)
-- Guardar la imagen seleccionada en un directorio específico
local baseDir = system.DocumentsDirectory
local filePath = system.pathForFile("selectedImage.jpg", baseDir)
local file = io.open(filePath, "wb")
if file then
local function onSaveComplete(event)
if event.isError then
print("Error saving image: ", event.errorMessage)
print("Image saved successfully")
print("Image saved to: " .. filePath)
-- Llamar a la función de guardar la imagen en la galería
media.save(filePath, baseDir, onSaveComplete)
print("Error: Could not open file for writing")
print("photo = nil")
local function pickPhoto(event)
print("pickPhoto called")
mediaSource = media.SavedPhotosAlbum,
listener = onComplete,
origin = event.target.contentBounds,
permittedArrowDirections = { "right" },
destination = { baseDir = system.TemporaryDirectory, filename = "image.jpg", type = "image" }
local button = display.newRect(120, 240, 80, 70)
button:addEventListener("tap", pickPhoto)