Upload Video to Facebook

I’m trying to upload a video to facebook (mp4, mov, anything), and can’t find any documentation regarding how to upload it. I have gotten a link to a video to work/post, but I need to upload the actual movie file (to the feed, to an album… I’ll take anything at this point).

There is corona documentation for uploading photos, and the code goes something like this


            local attachment = {
                    message = currMess.MESSAGE,
                    source = {
            facebook.request( “me/photos”, “POST”, attachment )    


I’ve tried it almost as is… I’ve changed the request to use “me/videos”, and the file type to be “video” and “video/mp4” (mime type), but get various errors back from facebook, in particular an http 400 error, accompanied by a “com.facebook.sdk error 5”… (Both seem to indicate it doesn’t like the url / arguments my app is sending)

In searching docs online It seems some peeps are posting that video need to be sent to a different facebook url than regular posts… (https://graph-video.facebook.com/me/videos)

Although others seem to indicate it can be done through the standard api, using “me/videos”…


Anyone have any insights on how / where to upload videos to facebook? Anyone had any success with the facebook.showDialog approach ?  (I tried a couple variations with no luck)

Failing that, anyone at CoronaLabs can explain how the photo binary is attached by the SDK in the photo upload above, and how that might be able to be used to attach the video binary (or is it hardwired for the type being “image”)? Do I need to make a multi-part form from the video? Any tips would be appreciated.