Use of font under SIL Open font license.

A font under the SIL open font license can be bundled with software as described in the licence:

  1. Original or Modified Versions of the Font Software may be bundled,
    redistributed and/or sold with any software, provided that each copy
    contains the above copyright notice and this licence. These can be
    included either as stand-alone text files, human-readable headers or
    in the appropriate machine-readable metadata fields within text or
    binary files as long as those fields can be easily viewed by the user.

From my reading of this, it is sufficient to include the licence in a file in the app even though most users will never see it. Is this correct? Or is it necessary to include the licence somewhere in the app where it can be easily read? When licences speak of distributing software, Iā€™m not clear if that refers to just source code, or applications also.

I both bundle the license with source code as well as referencing it in the Credits section of the game, providing a link.

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Thanks for the reply. That sounds sensible.

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