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OK humour me… what percentage of all apps are based on Corona (In your opinion?)

Well, talking about games and game engines, I would say Unity 95% and the rest are fighting for the 5%.

But it’s something else, not what I was talking about.

Also I have no idea about it, just guessing.

To be clear. That doesn’t mean that other game engines, except Unity, shouldn’t or don’t have reason to exist.

Actually, Unity is only about 10% of apps and roughly 15% of installs (I thought it would be much higher too).

Corona is 0.3% of apps and the same in installs (~3k apps).

Most apps are natively developed it seems.

Source -

Wow, thanks for the info and the source.

Ketchapp uses Corona SDK (at least for one game :p).

SGS , so what? Why you did not compare Corona with Unreal Engine 4 and that Masha game with Fortnite? Different engines for different tasks. It’s good if you have a task for which the Corona’s capabilities are not enough. I don’t have.

Although apps like FB, Google maps, etc with their 1bil+ downloads will really skew the figures @aarbron

Everyone seems to be be massively missing the point. I don’t think anyone has criticised Corona as a game engine (aside from SGS’s desire to have Switch support). More that its poor marketing over the past 10 years has seen it fall into the shadows, and that it can’t possibly be making money. How long can that go on?

How can it be possible that you can type ‘2d game engine’ into google, and the little bar at the top doesn’t have Corona in the top 15, and for me Corona is not mentioned in the results until the middle of page 2.


I previously mentioned about local languages and review/comparison articles. Some discussions, which I read, also recommended Corona. That was just a year ago. It also mentioned only 2-3 engines in your image. Techtime is so swift only in western countries.

So things that aren’t even 2D game engines appear above a 2D game engine in a google search? That’s some good SEO there. It’s no criticism of the people that work for Corona, there just aren’t anywhere near enough of them for the company to do anything other than the bare minimum to keep the platform alive. 

I’ve worked at games companies, been to interviews, game jams, conferences, local meet-ups and literally no-one I’ve ever talked to at any of these places had ever considered or in the vast majority of cases heard of Corona, despite me concluding in most cases it would probably have been the best option for them. Something’s got to be wrong there. 

This I would consider the closest competitor to Corona -

Just look at all the great stuff Corona could have if it just had the budget/staff

Yah, I just saw ‘pricing’ and close tab. Nice competitor, with a paywall.

How else do you expect a small company to make money to pay their staff? I guess it’s the way of the world nowadays, everyone expects everything for free because huge companies can afford to do that and wait 10 years for the payoff.

Corona used to have a paywall (a massive one compared to GameMaker) and I was happy to pay it, because I made 100x back on my investment. Then they went free but in order to do that you need to get it into the hands of hundreds of thousands of people so that the numbers that do pay for premium features, or things from the asset store, are enough to keep growing the company. 

Says it all really @nick

$199 permanent license for mobile is still cheaper than $99 a year for Corona (well in year 3 of course) 

199 € for a permanent license is a really fair price if the tool works well. I would be ready to pay it yearly.

It’s not a question of price at all : it’s really a question of having a lively community and maintained tools.

If you compare, compare it honestly. Freemium was the main reason for me. And if I will choose again, between pay-engine with cool features and free-engine without them, I will choose free.

Corona is not free… $99pa for splash screen, $200pa for each decent ad network.

And yet we get nothing new for paying.  That is the point here.

I’m not comparing. I’m just saying that a few hundred dollars isn’t much if the tool works and the community is active. Price shouldn’t be the main criterion from a professional point of view. Even for a freelancer.

Besides, that point is perfectly true

You say that because you working with Corona for a long time. But I working since yesterday, so from my point of view, a zero entry-level and free basic functionality is enough. 99$ to remove splash screen, what, who cares about it? UI design system? Good game doesn’t need UI, etc…

So in that case you have nothing to lose if Corona shuts their doors tomorrow. A lot of people do, and the signs aren’t great. Corona should be celebrating the success of games made using its engine, shouting it from the roof tops. There’s just silence. There’s nobody left to do the shouting.

Quite how you have a game without UI is beyond me…