I appreciate all the help. Before uploading anything, I would like to try it once more. The problem is that I can not understand how external modules work. I read this guide: https://docs.coronalabs.com/tutorial/basics/externalModules/index.html more than 20 times and I can not see it. I even managed to pass an image to another module, but when I try to use it in another module, in addition to the one I was using before, it disappears from the initial module where it is used. It’s a problem of scope, I know, could someone help me in how the images are transmitted from one module to another, especially the background images? It is not as simple as importing a batch in Photoshop. I’m sorry, I think as a graphic artist, not as a programmer.
gotoScene code
local options1 = { effect = "fromBottom", time = 100 } local function esButtonTouch( event ) --the buttons are set in a scrollView if ( event.phase == "moved" ) then dy = math.abs( event.y - event.yStart ) if ( dy \> 5 ) then ScrollView:takeFocus( event ) end elseif ( event.phase == "ended" ) then audio.play( go ) composer.gotoScene( "scenes.menu-es", options1 ) end return true end
-- -- For more information on config.lua see the Project Configuration Guide at: -- https://docs.coronalabs.com/guide/basics/configSettings -- application = { content = { width = 768, height = 1024, scale = "zoomEven", fps = 60, imageSuffix = { ["@2x"] = 2, --["@4x"] = 4, }, }, }