Using a variable as method

I am working with some JSON data from a website.Problem is, it is organized data. It looks like this:

word: {“1”: data, “2”: data}
word2: {“1”: data, “2”: data}
word3: {“1”: data, “2”: data}

and so on. basically, it is a multi dimensional array. Now, to access the data, i should refer to it as (assuming JSON is the object name) JSON.word[2] and JSON.word2[1].
Here is where my problem comes from: the data is dynamic, meaning all the indexes depend on the values of the database, except the number indexes. Since the website outputting the JSON data is mine, i set it up like so: the values numbered in the root of the JSON are the indexes, then each index has 12 values associated with it. Basically, i cannot do JSON.value because i don’t always know the actual values, but i have them stored in an array (using a for cycle cyclying thru the numeric indexes of the JSON). So, is there a way to use a variable as an attribute call? If i want to access JSON.word2[1], can i somehow assign the value “word2” to a variable and go JSON.variable[1]?

Thanks in advance.

Yes, you can use a variable as a key to access values ​​inside a JSON object in Lua. In Lua, JSON objects are handled as tables, and you can access their attributes dynamically using the [ ] bracket notation. This is very useful for cases like the one you describe, where the key names are not static.

Here is a practical example:

-- Suppose you have a JSON like this:
local JSON = {
    word = { ["1"] = "data1", ["2"] = "data2" },
    word2 = { ["1"] = "data3", ["2"] = "data4" },
    word3 = { ["1"] = "data5", ["2"] = "data6" }

-- You can store the key name in a variable:
local key = "word2"

-- And then dynamically access the corresponding value:
local value = JSON[key]["1"] -- Esto será "data3"
print(value) -- Salida: data3

-- If the key names are dynamic, you can iterate over them using pairs:
for k, v in pairs(JSON) do
    print("Key:", k)
    for index, data in pairs(v) do
        print("Index:", index, "Data:", data)

One thing to keep in mind in the above example is that
are not the same.
This is particularly important to know when dealing with JSON to Lua conversions, because the default behaviour is that if the indices in the object are a mix of numeric and non-numeric keys they will all be decoded as string keys. They will only be decoded as numeric keys if all keys are numeric.

So this
{ [1] = "data1", [2] = "data2", ["some"] = "string"}
would be decoded as if it was originally:
{ ["1"] = "data1", ["2"] = "data2", ["some"] = "string"}

But this
{ [1] = "data1", [2] = "data2", [3] = "string"}
would remain as:
{ [1] = "data1", [2] = "data2", [3] = "string"}

I always pass my decoded table through a function that checks if a key could be numeric, and reindexes it if so:

local function toNumericKeys(t)
    local t2 = {}
        for k,v in pairs(t) do
        	if tonumber(k) and type(k) ~= "number" then
        		local k_num = tonumber(k)
        		local storeV = v
        		t2[k] = nil

	        	if type(v) == "table" then
				    t2[k_num] = jsonHandler.toNumericKeys(v)
        	    	t2[k_num] = storeV
            	if type(v) == "table" then
    			    t2[k] = jsonHandler.toNumericKeys(v)
    				t2[k] = v
    return t2

local jsonDecoded = json.decode("myJsonString.json")
local reindexed = toNumericKeys(jsonDecoded)
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