Using CORONA safe for Apples KIDS category?

I wonder if Corona is collecting any data or information and if Corona kid games will be allowed in Apples KIDS category after Apple is NOT allowing ANY data collection in kid games starting in March 2020?

Any info on this?

I have created some games for kids.

All of them belong to a customer but just checked and they are still live.

Maybe that means something :).

Corona removed the few data elements they were collecting a while back. So a plain corona app with nothing coming in and out should be kid approved for Apple. Once you start adding ad providers, analytics (I know flurry doesn’t support kid apps), and a backend I believe all bets are off. But Corona is clean last time I checked (with Charles).

Corona is not collecting any data. If you use ads, they might be, but Corona is not.


Thank you for the fast help!