using Director class and widget together

Hi all,

I’ve run into a small problem when using the director class and the widget library together.

When I insert new text on the screen without the widget library it aligns as it should. Once I include

local widget = require("widget")  

my layout is completely wasted.

Another problem that I have: when I want to insert

local myToolbar = widget.newToolbar( "My App" )  

I get an error. Although in the documentation it says to insert the .view property into a display group.

Thank you for any help.

Jürgen [import]uid: 19590 topic_id: 15591 reply_id: 315591[/import]

I’ve had problems with Directory and widgets too. And I can’t seem to get an answer on this, so I guess I’ll have to start looking at Director alternatives.

Best of luck. [import]uid: 52748 topic_id: 15591 reply_id: 60327[/import]

Same here. I get error with the following:


It works fine without that line.

It does not give error with the following, but the widget does not show.


Is anyone using widgets with Director class? Does it work? Ricardo? [import]uid: 19297 topic_id: 15591 reply_id: 61300[/import]

I will put a sample on Director 1.5: [import]uid: 8556 topic_id: 15591 reply_id: 61303[/import]