I’m migrating an existing codebase from Corona to CoronaCards. It relies heavily on the utf8 plugin provided by Corona. I looked at the other forum post discussing how to use plugins in CoronaCards, but I’m not sure how to integrate it.
I’ve got a copy of the libplugin.utf8.a file and I’ve added it to my Linked Frameworks and Libraries section in Xcode. What else is needed? Are there header search paths, library search paths that need to be added? How does the .a file get recognized in the lua code? How does libplugin.utf8.a become recognized in lua as require(“plugin.utf8”)?
I’m currently getting this error in the console:
[lua]ERROR: Runtime error
module ‘plugin.utf8’ not found:
no field package.preload[‘plugin.utf8’]
no file[/lua]
My main.lua file has this line:
[lua]utf8lib = require(“plugin.utf8”)[/lua]
Can anyone help me add the last few steps?