For a slideshow emulating a movie with start, pause, and a scroll bar, I can’t figure out how to pause and drag to a different location.
Terminal confirms that the slideshow loop completes before actions begin onscreen, so I can’t grab the slider’s current location (i.e., With slider loc = 50, pause button returns 0, because variables have already been cleared for next run). Creates same problem for drag, and using a ‘break’ or ‘return true’ to stop.
The following code drives the slideshow – audio-synched images fade in/out. The slider updates like a (jerky) video scrollbar.
Is there a trick to this? Can a timer intervene when the code thinks it’s already complete? Thanks for any help that you can give.
function introStates()
–if pause pressed grab slider value & currNum & break out of loop
for i = 1, totalNum do
currNum = currNum + 1;
for j = 1, localGroup.numChildren do
if ((localGroup[j].order == currNum) and (pauseFlag == 0)) then
if currNum < totalNum then
{ delay = 2800 * (i - 1), time=500, alpha=1.0,
onComplete= function () audio.play(localGroup[j].answer); introSlider:setValue(i*slValue); end } );
--currLoc=i*slValue; end });
transition.to( localGroup[j],
{ delay = (2800 * (i - 1)) + 2000, time=500, alpha=0.0});
--, onComplete=function () if pauseFlag == 1 then return true; end end } );
--reset to replay from start
currNum = 0;