Using Solar2D with CI/CD

I’d love to use Solar2D with CI/CD tools like GitHub Actions to make it easy to build and deploy to different platforms. But GitHub Actions requires you to run a build command through the command line instead of through the Simulator GUI.

I saw the command line tool here, but from what I understand it only works or HTML5 builds. I’m building an Android and iOS game.

Is there an option for native mobile builds? If not, is there any other way to use Solar2D with CI/CD tools?

I would check out this repo

Thanks, I was able to figure out the command I needed (relevant code is in Util/

/path/to/CoronaBuilder build --lua build_ios.lua

build_ios.lua contains the following code:

return {
	appName = "AppName",
	platform = "ios",
	appVersion = "1.0",
	projectPath = ".",
    certificatePath = "../dev.mobileprovision",
	dstPath = "build",

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