UTF8 plugin error

Second screen of my Five Letters game


has buttons. And button clicks give this error:

ERROR: Runtime error

module ‘plugin.utf8’ not found:resource (plugin.utf8.lu) does not exist in archive

no field package.preload[‘plugin.utf8’]

no file ‘//plugin/utf8.lua’

no file ‘//plugin/utf8.lua’

no file ‘./plugin/utf8.so’

no file ‘//plugin/utf8.so’

no file ‘./plugin.so’

no file ‘//plugin.so

We have not ported all of the various plugins to HTML5 yet. These are on our list to do, ergo, this is why it’s in open beta.  I don’t have an ETA on this plugin being ported unfortunatly.


We have not ported all of the various plugins to HTML5 yet. These are on our list to do, ergo, this is why it’s in open beta.  I don’t have an ETA on this plugin being ported unfortunatly.
