Hi everyone,
I have something interesting to show. Quo is a app for changing habits, introducing new routines into live or picking up challanges with friends. It’s propably one of the biggest utility app made in Corona framework in the recent time. During 4 months of development, there was created a whole bunch of useful stuff, like 3d animations, fancy colors transitions, encrypting library, on-device debugging, or written totally from scratch awesome GUI library. I hope, that some of them will inspire you, and you will enjoy them. Some of the code will be gradualy made available on GitHub with open source licenses, right after beta tests.
So, first to go is one of the , imho, most visual appealing feature. What do you think about 3d effects :)? Would you use them in your own apps ? ( gifs in external links, I can’t paste them into topic :c )
Cheers !
@edit: links fixed