v1.6 Beta Bug Report - Auto complete erases typed text

When using autocomplete, it erases typed text.

To recreate problem:

declare a variable (or a display object)

local myText = display.newRetinaText( myGroup, myText, 0, 0, myFont , 16)  

then, do myText:set and type CTRL+Space to bring up auto-complete options. Select SetReferencePoint and press enter.


Cider 1.6 replaces code with:

setReferencePoint [import]uid: 13784 topic_id: 29099 reply_id: 329099[/import]

Hello Marble,

This bug is fixed in the current development version. We had to rewrite the autocompletion library however so it is not yet ready for beta release. Going through each of the corona apis and writing a lua template so that the new smarter autocomplete will recognize classes and patterns will take a while to complete.

M.Y. Developers [import]uid: 55057 topic_id: 29099 reply_id: 117082[/import]

Thanks for the quick response. [import]uid: 13784 topic_id: 29099 reply_id: 117084[/import]