Variable inspector bugs

The main reason I like Glider is a debugger but it has some unpleasant bugs and I can’t trust it. I hope my feedback will help Glider developers to improve it. Seems it fail to work correctly with metatables and metamethods.
To start with, I use MiddleClass OOP Lua framework and here’s a quick example: I have object rerpesenting various things and I hold reference to those objects in simple way:

[lua]ufos = {}

– then objects add thereselves this way
ufos[enemyInstance1] = true
ufos[enemyInstance2] = true
– etc[/lua]

I traverse it like this:

[lua]for obj,_ in pairs(ufos) do
– do something with objects from table

It works without any problems, of course. But when I try to inspect ufos[] table in debugger, it shows only one item, regardless of object instances reference saved and this one is incorrectly named (see image): (the name appears to be tostring() output of object)

Also, inspecting metatables cause infinite number of childs.

[import]uid: 188897 topic_id: 33188 reply_id: 333188[/import]

Hello Qorking,

Thanks for reporting this to us. After we release version 1.8 that will focus on project management/ parser related issues we will be addressing the debugger. The next iteration will be fully transaction based rather than variable dump based and this will fix these issues. We will also create a new node for metatable/methods that will allow you to view these fields more reliably.

Thanks for your patience in this matter and we are working hard to improve the product.

M.Y. Developers [import]uid: 55057 topic_id: 33188 reply_id: 131846[/import]

Hello Qorking,

Thanks for reporting this to us. After we release version 1.8 that will focus on project management/ parser related issues we will be addressing the debugger. The next iteration will be fully transaction based rather than variable dump based and this will fix these issues. We will also create a new node for metatable/methods that will allow you to view these fields more reliably.

Thanks for your patience in this matter and we are working hard to improve the product.

M.Y. Developers [import]uid: 55057 topic_id: 33188 reply_id: 131846[/import]

Thanks for an update. Looking forward to see version 1.8. [import]uid: 188897 topic_id: 33188 reply_id: 132101[/import]

Thanks for an update. Looking forward to see version 1.8. [import]uid: 188897 topic_id: 33188 reply_id: 132101[/import]