Vertex Shaders are supported?

Hi, i’m downloading everything and i’ve already checked the sample code from email and i have a question:

is there support for Vertex Shaders also (because sample code provides only Fragment Shader code)?

For me VS are must-have to make advanced shader effects, like this one for example:

EDIT: i will check full shader docs after work hours, so excuse me if answer is there :slight_smile:

Yup, RTFM :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

BTW, I’ve added an explicit section on vertex/fragment kernels including how to declare varyings to the Custom Shader Effects Guide:

PsichiX - what is being done in that shader? I’d very much like to understand what is going on so I can get my head around this all :slight_smile:

I would guess that he’s doing a procedurally generated effect (or “generator” effect in Corona parlance) that’s filling a quad. 

Check this site out for some ideas:

Yup, RTFM :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

BTW, I’ve added an explicit section on vertex/fragment kernels including how to declare varyings to the Custom Shader Effects Guide:

PsichiX - what is being done in that shader? I’d very much like to understand what is going on so I can get my head around this all :slight_smile:

I would guess that he’s doing a procedurally generated effect (or “generator” effect in Corona parlance) that’s filling a quad. 

Check this site out for some ideas: