Vertical text?

How would I go about creating vertical text in Corona? I tried:

[lua]local advanceTxt = display.newText(“A\nD\nV”, 278, 203, native.systemFont, 15)[/lua]

This doesn’t affect the text at all. I dont want to rotate the text but to “stack” letters on top of eachother.


[lua]local myString = “advance”
local len = string.len(myString)
local textArr = {}
for i=1,len do
local str = string.sub(myString,i,i)
textArr[i] = display.newText(str,0,0,nil,24)
textArr[i].x = display.contentWidth * 0.5
textArr[i].y = 25 * i
str = nil
:slight_smile: [import]uid: 12482 topic_id: 11198 reply_id: 40630[/import]

Thanks a ton!! It worked great! [import]uid: 63320 topic_id: 11198 reply_id: 40701[/import]

glad it helps

:slight_smile: [import]uid: 12482 topic_id: 11198 reply_id: 40764[/import]