Video only 1/3 full screen on Android?

Have been testing Vungle on Android and IOS.  

On Android (testing on Nexus 7) I’m noting the Video is not playing at full screen, but rather only about 1/3 of full screen.  After the video ends (or if you close it) it then goes to the static image which is full screen (not quite perfectly centered but not too bad). 

Anyone else seeing this issue on Android?  


* is fine on IOS

* have noted the behavior on both Corona SDK versions 2014.2122 (graphics 2.0 release) and 2013.1251 (previous release)

* code I used was minor changes to 

  - put my android ID in

  - set to landscape only in build settings

  - removed setReference calls (to swap between Corona v1 and v2)

Hi there, Greg! David from Vungle here. 

Thanks for alerting us to this - this is due to a change that Android made with Android 4.3 (see ‘if your app uses video view’ here if interested!

So we updated our native SDK accordingly a couple of months ago, but the Corona plugin is a couple of versions behind our native SDKs.

We’ve just sent a new version of the plugin to Corona for approval, so keep an eye out for a fix arriving in the next few days!



Changes were pushed this morning! All your new builds should see full screen videos on any version of Android.



Hi there, Greg! David from Vungle here. 

Thanks for alerting us to this - this is due to a change that Android made with Android 4.3 (see ‘if your app uses video view’ here if interested!

So we updated our native SDK accordingly a couple of months ago, but the Corona plugin is a couple of versions behind our native SDKs.

We’ve just sent a new version of the plugin to Corona for approval, so keep an eye out for a fix arriving in the next few days!



Changes were pushed this morning! All your new builds should see full screen videos on any version of Android.

