I am working implementing Vungle in my app and when I call ads.init, I get the following error:
Corona Runtime Error
?:0: attempt to concatenate a table value
stack traceback:
?: in function ‘providerNameToModuleName’
?: in function ‘requireProvider’
?: in function ‘setCurrentProvider’
?: in function ‘init’
scripts\game.lua:7: in function ‘new’
main.lua:3: in main chunk
Here is the code calling ads.init:
local game = {}
local gameMetaTable = {__index = game}
function game.new ()
local newGame = {}
newGame.ads = require (“ads”)
newGame.ads:init (“vungle”, “–[[my app ID here]]”, function () game:adcallback () end)
return setmetatable (newGame, gameMetaTable)
function game:adcallback ()
– do stuff with the ad in here
return game
In light of all this, my question is really this: How do I properly initialize Vungle ads with Corona SDK?