Hi there,
I am having a bit of difficulty with the Vungle plugin.
I’m trying the most straight-foward test:
• Copy the ‘Applications/Corona/Native/Project Template/App’ to the desktop.
• Add the following build.settings:
plugins = { ["plugin.vungle"] = { publisherId = "com.vungle" } }
• Add the following to the top of the main.lua:
local ads = require "plugin.vungle"
Then I compile which does complete successfully, but when I come to run in the Xcode simulator I get:
2018-12-14 18:48:06.630689+0000 App[49504:1072875] ERROR: Runtime error module 'plugin.vungle' not found:resource (plugin.vungle.lu) does not exist in archive no field package.preload['plugin.vungle'] no file '/Users/m/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/0E6F0895-66A1-4D99-9C5B-9198FE888E27/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/E01FD095-D6D9-4F0E-A2AA-8C074792283F/App.app/corona-plugins/plugin/vungle.lua' no file '/Users/m/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/0E6F0895-66A1-4D99-9C5B-9198FE888E27/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/E01FD095-D6D9-4F0E-A2AA-8C074792283F/App.app/plugin/vungle.lua' no file '/Users/m/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/0E6F0895-66A1-4D99-9C5B-9198FE888E27/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/E01FD095-D6D9-4F0E-A2AA-8C074792283F/App.app/plugin/vungle.lua' no file '/Users/m/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/0E6F0895-66A1-4D99-9C5B-9198FE888E27/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/E01FD095-D6D9-4F0E-A2AA-8C074792283F/App.app/corona-plugins/plugin/vungle.so' no file './plugin/vungle.so' no file '/Users/m/Library/Develo
I assume that the build process is not pulling down the vungle plugin, but I don’t really know whats going on!
If I use the Corona Simulator to build it does indeed work, in the debug console it says it’s found the native plugin:
Dec 14 07:01:24.717 Using additional build settings from: build.settings Building: Copying app resources Building: Unpacking build from server Dec 14 07:01:24.785 Building: Adding plugins Dec 14 07:01:24.833 Analyzing plugins... Dec 14 07:01:24.834 Found native plugin: /Users/m/Desktop/Corona/Corona.app/.build/plugin.vungle Done. Analyzing Lua plugins... Examining plugin: plugin.vungle Done.
Thanks for any help,