Wall Collision

Hey I am new to Corona and I am having a problem with giving the walls of my game collision. Its a game where you have a ball like Ping pong and slabs you have to hit with the ball and they disappear but the ball won’t bounce off the walls. This is the code I have so far for the game:

local w = display.contentWidth

local h = display.contentHeight

local physics = require(“physics”)



local bg = display.newRect(w/2,h/2,w,h)

local pg = display.newRoundedRect(w/2,h-h/20,w/4,h/30,30)


physics.addBody(pg, “static”)

local function movePg(event)

pg.x = event.x


Runtime:addEventListener(“touch”, movePg)

local width = w/6 - w/20

local height = h/20 - h/30

for i=1,5,2 do

for j=1,11,2 do

local enemy = display.newRoundedRect(w/12*j,h/20*i,width, height,30)


physics.addBody(enemy, “static”)

local function collision(self, event)



enemy.collision = collision




local ball = display.newCircle(w/2,h/2,w/40)


physics.addBody(ball, “dynamic”, {bounce=1})

ball:setLinearVelocity(w/4, w/4)

local wallSx = display.newRect(w*w/20,h/2,w/10,h)

local wallDx = display.newRect(w*w/20,h/2, w/10, h)

physics.addBody(wallSx, “static”)

physics.addBody(wallDx, “static”)

  1. Please format code posts to help us out.


  1. Are you sure the x and y positions of your walls are correct.  They look wrong to me.

    local wallSx = display.newRect( display.contentCenterX - w/2, display.contentCenterY, 20, h) local wallDx = display.newRect( display.contentCenterX + w/2, display.contentCenterY, 20, h) wallSx:setFillColor(0) wallDx:setFillColor(0)

Those create walls on the slides, but how do you do the top and bottom? Can someone help please?

  1. Please format code posts to help us out.


  1. Are you sure the x and y positions of your walls are correct.  They look wrong to me.

    local wallSx = display.newRect( display.contentCenterX - w/2, display.contentCenterY, 20, h) local wallDx = display.newRect( display.contentCenterX + w/2, display.contentCenterY, 20, h) wallSx:setFillColor(0) wallDx:setFillColor(0)

Those create walls on the slides, but how do you do the top and bottom? Can someone help please?