Warning: Due To System Limitations, Display.newtext()

This error message, “WARNING: Due to system limitations, display.newText() width is going to be increased to nearest multiple of 4:”, is still being spewed out on the simulator and (Apple) device. Is it really such a big issue to comment this out in the code “master” code?

In the app I’m currently working on I have a NewText in each Tableview row - and the time it takes for many instances of this error message spewing out is a noticeable hit on display performance!

I’d second this, it’s just annoying. Since the size of the textbox is already being changed for us, can we have this removed?

I’d second this, it’s just annoying. Since the size of the textbox is already being changed for us, can we have this removed?

+1 - also just clogs up the debug output

+1 - also just clogs up the debug output

What is this message for?

Does it really slow down the system if it keeps coming out?

If yes, please remove this warning message

I got plenty too, messed up my output window


i could care less if the system had to adjust the text box a few pixels
but even a bigger issue for me is theres no way to make it correct for all devices
ive tried to calculate the correct size and add the extra pixels for whatever device
its running on but cant cause we’re dealing with content size and the text box
is dealing with actual size
ps. also tried using actual pixelWidth/pixelHeight of device to adjust but still didnt work
cause we create the texdt box using content size

heres a simple test app

local \_w = display.contentWidth -- content width local \_h = display.contentHeight -- content height local \_x = display.screenOriginX -- screen origin x local \_y = display.screenOriginY -- screen origin y local textHeight = ((\_h - \_y) - 50) -- calculate height needed for text box print("textHeight = "..textHeight) -- print to terminal textHeight = textHeight + (4 - textHeight%4) -- adjust the height for multiple of 4 print("new textHeight = "..textHeight) -- print new height to terminal local txt = display.newText( "", \_x, \_y+20, \_w-\_x, textHeight, native.systemFontBold, 12 ) -- create text box using new height -- check terminal still get warning msg.

What is this message for?

Does it really slow down the system if it keeps coming out?

If yes, please remove this warning message

I got plenty too, messed up my output window


i could care less if the system had to adjust the text box a few pixels
but even a bigger issue for me is theres no way to make it correct for all devices
ive tried to calculate the correct size and add the extra pixels for whatever device
its running on but cant cause we’re dealing with content size and the text box
is dealing with actual size
ps. also tried using actual pixelWidth/pixelHeight of device to adjust but still didnt work
cause we create the texdt box using content size

heres a simple test app

local \_w = display.contentWidth -- content width local \_h = display.contentHeight -- content height local \_x = display.screenOriginX -- screen origin x local \_y = display.screenOriginY -- screen origin y local textHeight = ((\_h - \_y) - 50) -- calculate height needed for text box print("textHeight = "..textHeight) -- print to terminal textHeight = textHeight + (4 - textHeight%4) -- adjust the height for multiple of 4 print("new textHeight = "..textHeight) -- print new height to terminal local txt = display.newText( "", \_x, \_y+20, \_w-\_x, textHeight, native.systemFontBold, 12 ) -- create text box using new height -- check terminal still get warning msg.