WebAssembly support

In release note for Solar2D 2021.3661 I found:

HTML5: updating tools to latest version, WebAssembly support

What does mean “WebAssembly support”? Is it support to compile to webassembly (.wasm)?
In Simulator I did not see any changes.

If you are looking for code changes, you can find them from the old HTML5 submodule over at https://github.com/coronalabs/submodule-platform-emscripten.

HTML5 was moved to the main repository with version 3662.

I see that Emscripten version has been updated to 2.0.34. This is very good news.
But I want to compiling a game to WebAssembly. Not asm.js (javascript) like now.
Can I do this? Or this is a mistake in the release note.

The .bin in the build folder contains both a .wasm and a .js file.

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