I don’t know if you have resolved this problem but the way i handle webview orientation change is to remove the current webview and rebuilt it for the new orientation. There seems to be an issue with resizing the native webview. Here is a sample of my code that I have in an application that will rebuild the webview for a new orientation and it when it rebuilds the webview it will display the same site that the user was on when the orientation changed.
local lastLink = “”
local webWin
–Listener Function
local function webListener (event)
--Set Last Link
lastLink = event.url
if event.type == “loaded” then
--Remove Spinner
if system.getInfo(“platformName”) == “Android” then
native.setActivityIndicator( false )
elseif event.errorCode then
--Native on Complete Function
local function onComplete ()
--Close Web View
if webWin then webWin:removeSelf(); webWin = nil; end
--Remove Spinner
local spinnerTimer = timer.performWithDelay (500, function () if system.getInfo(“platformName”) == “Android” then native.setActivityIndicator( false ) end; end, 1)
--Native Popup
local noService = native.showAlert( “Error”, “There was an error loading the webpage. Please try again later.”, {“OK”}, onComplete )
–New Web Window
webWin = native.newWebView(display.screenOriginX, display.screenOriginY, display.contentWidth + (math.abs (display.screenOriginX) * 2), display.contentHeight + (math.abs (display.screenOriginY) * 2))
–Request Web Page
webWin:request (“http://www.GBCConnected.org”)
–Add Listener
webWin:addEventListener( “urlRequest”, webListener )
–Orientation Listener
local function checkOri (event)
--Remove Web Window
if webWin then webWin:removeSelf(); webWin = nil; end
--Create Web Window in New Orientation
webWin = native.newWebView(display.screenOriginX, display.screenOriginY, display.contentWidth + (math.abs (display.screenOriginX) * 2), display.contentHeight + (math.abs (display.screenOriginY) * 2))
--Call Web Win
webWin:request (lastLink)
--Add Listener
webWin:addEventListener( “urlRequest”, webListener )
Runtime:addEventListener (“orientation”, checkOri)[/lua]