Okay, I’m using Director and TextCandy and I’ve hit on an odd bug that someone here might be able to figure out.
When I run the code below with the last line commented out, everything works fine. But when I uncomment the code to activate the animation, the entire display view moves three quarters of a screen to the left (leaving the last quarter visible) and the text (most of the time) appears in the black hole left behind.
Getting no errors at all from the console. Is applyAnimation somehow triggering a Director event?
[lua]TextCandy.AddVectorFont(“MyFont”,“0123456789AÄBCDEFGHIJKLMNOÖPQRSTUÜVWXYZ’*@():,$.!-%+?;#/_”, 20)
local myText = TextCandy.CreateText({
fontName = “Osaka-Sans Serif”,
x = display.contentWidth*0.5,
y = display.contentHeight*0.5,
text = “THIS IS A TEST!”,
originX = “CENTER”,
originY = “CENTER”,
textFlow = “CENTER”,
charSpacing = 1,
lineSpacing = 4,
wrapWidth = 400,
showOrigin = false,
local TextEffects = {}
TextEffects[1] =
startNow = true,
restartOnChange = true,
charWise = true,
frequency = 250,
rotationRange = 25,
info = “ROTATION”,
–myText:applyAnimation( TextEffects[1] )[/lua]
Any ideas as to what’s going on?
Jon [import]uid: 127193 topic_id: 24577 reply_id: 324577[/import]