What Ad system are you using and how is it paying?

Currently I am using RevMob but they have gone down hill, and I am pretty sure my balace does not reflect what it should based on my daily downloads of my free app, So I am adding the code to switch ad companies now.

What Ad system are you using? How is the exposure and payouts going?

Any guideance from other developers would be outstanding.


Hey Larry,

Same issue as you. It used to be RevMob only and well, the results are not so impressive anymore. I just started to implement AdMob. Currently, the results seem interesting. iAd is also nice usually but only iOS.

The nice little extra with AdMob is the possibilty to add your “house ads” for free. I still haven’t use the feature, but i like the idea.


Hey Larry,

Same issue as you. It used to be RevMob only and well, the results are not so impressive anymore. I just started to implement AdMob. Currently, the results seem interesting. iAd is also nice usually but only iOS.

The nice little extra with AdMob is the possibilty to add your “house ads” for free. I still haven’t use the feature, but i like the idea.
