My suggestion is to only send deltas (changes) and only when they occur.
If you’re using physics velocities, gravity, etc.  Rely on the physics engine to maintain approximate positions over time, but once a second or more often force an update for critical objects.
Note: I’m just getting up to speed on AppWarp (in my spare [what’s that?]  time) so keep that in mind when reading the following.
Opinion Follows
If you are trying to make a multi-player shooter or action game, I don’t think AppWarp (as you’re using it) or any other peer to peer style game networking solution is suitable. Â
Why?  Because if two peers are both making decisions about scores, collisions, death, etc.  You’re bound to get out of sync and have logic conflicts.  This is why traditionally these games are made with client-server logic.  The server is the authority and handles all game logic decisions, as well as updates all clients on their peers’ positions, etc.
Note: I realize AppWarp says they are good for Multiplayer (MP) games, and they list ‘Authoritative Server’ ((AS) as a feature, but:
I don’t think you’re using these features.
As I understand it, AS implies you’re hosting the game server with them.  This tells me they have a separate or extended API for this.
From what I’ve seen of the API you are using for MP it only seems suitable to turn-based games like card games, puzzles, and/or games that do synchronize score, but not necessarily all game object positions, velocities, etc.
If I find out differently or if someone has a concrete example demonstrating I’m wrong (not the ones on their site), please chime in.