What tile size to use

Does anyone have any experience with what tile-size would be the best when aiming for a widest possible range of devices. I’m currently using 32x32 sized tiles with a 320x480 setting in config.lua. But when running this on an iphone4 I find the graphics to be somewhat small and blurred. And I can only imagine what it will look like on an ipad. So I’ve been thinking of increasing the tile size to 64x64 and use a 640x960 setting in config.lua. (I know this wouldn’t make the graphics larger, but at least it would make it sharper.) Or should I go for 2 different sizes depending on what device it will run on, and is this even possible with Lime?

Does anyone have any recommendations on what would be the best compromise if I want to run the game on as many devices as possible and have the best possible graphics?

Thanks. [import]uid: 129287 topic_id: 24898 reply_id: 324898[/import]

Corona will automatically use two different sizes depending on the device resolution. :slight_smile: [import]uid: 10389 topic_id: 24898 reply_id: 101168[/import]

@WauloK. Thank you for yor quick reply.

I’m aware of the dynamic content scaling and the dynamic image resolution that Corona supports, but does this also applies to Lime where the graphics are made up of tiles incorporated into a map file? And if so, what 2 tile-sizes would be the most beneficial / would look best?

Anyone? [import]uid: 129287 topic_id: 24898 reply_id: 101260[/import]

In Lime 3.4 I was limited by the fact that Corona didn’t support dynamic assets for spritesheets however that has now been implemented so Lime 3.5 fully supports it. [import]uid: 119420 topic_id: 24898 reply_id: 101375[/import]

Brilliant! I’m looking forward to the official release.

But I’m still wondering what tile-sizes I should go for… [import]uid: 129287 topic_id: 24898 reply_id: 101396[/import]

Well. You know, it depends on what you are doing in your game.

32x32 became a sort of standard many years ago so maybe you should design for 128x128 for new iPad and resize it to 64x64 for iPad 1&2,iPhone 4/4S and 32x32 for iPhone 3GS. [import]uid: 10389 topic_id: 24898 reply_id: 101417[/import]

@WauloK: Thank you for your input. Your suggestion seems like a good approach and I’ll try that as a starting point. Although, not being a gfx-artist, I don’t like the idea of having to design 128x128 tiles… [import]uid: 129287 topic_id: 24898 reply_id: 101876[/import]

Well, another solution is to make smaller tiles, but then use nearest-neighbor scaling in Photoshop (or equivalent). That way you get your small tiles much larger without any blurring. [import]uid: 41884 topic_id: 24898 reply_id: 102118[/import]

@richard9: Thank you for a good advice. This is definitely something I’ll be doing, at least with some of the tiles. I still feel I should try to make some tiles as detailed as possible if I’m going for the 128x128 option. I’m thinking a 128x128-tiled game might look somewhat “underdeveloped” without taking advantage of what one could do with a 128x128 design. [import]uid: 129287 topic_id: 24898 reply_id: 102331[/import]