What is needed is a clearer title. => Does Mac Mini Support Corona?
It sounds like you’re talking about buying NEW, but you can buy REFURBISHED and save money at no risk:
I’d go with an OFFICIAL refurbished modern Mac Min: https://www.apple.com/shop/browse/home/specialdeals/mac
There is a mac mini listed for $419 It is a 2014, which is the latest (believe it or not) Mac Mini model for that processor
- The only problematic thing I see in that spec is this ‘Intel HD Graphics 500’
I would wait till someone here answers back and clearly states that they are using a current model mac mini with that integrated graphics
I would wait till someone here writes back and says, I have that integrated graphics in my (some other) machine and it works fine.
In my experience integrated graphics can sometimes NOT support a feature you need.
- Also I saw Gilfoyle on Silicon Valley has a vertical monitor, would I need one of those?
I didn’t understand this. Always provide links and never assume we know what you mean or will look for the thing you mention. I looked up ‘Gilfoyle on Silicon Valley’ and found nothing.
If you were simply asking, “Do I need a monitor that can rotate into Portrait”, then the answer is, “No.”