What's the latest 64 bit deadline now?

I am a bit confused… the Corona SDK page reads

  • The August 1 deadline for 64-bit support for new apps (updated apps have a year to implement).
  • The August 1 deadline to support Android SDK 28/Android 9/Pie (updated apps have to be using them by November 1, 2019)


However, you do not have to rush and update your existing apps by August 1 and you can continue to update them with a 32-bit version of Corona until August 1, 2020.

So what does this mean exactly if we have any existing apps that were uploaded before August 2019? Will they be automatically removed from the store on August 1 2020? Or on November 1 2019?

What’s the very latest date now until we have to replace them with 64 bit versions - November 1 2019 or August 1 2020? 

Thanks for clarifying.

I don’t think anything gets removed from the store. 

  1. You have an app that was available before August 1st 2019 in the store that was made with Corona:
  • You can continue to update the app as 32bit until August 1st 2020.
  • After August 1st 2020 you have to submit a 64bit version for an update.
  • After November 1st 2019 the update has to be SDK28 (32 or 64 bit doesn’t matter).
  1. You are creating a net new app:
  • You can only submit 64bit versions.
  • After November 1st they also have to be SDK28

Thanks for clarifying.

But what if an app won’t be updated at all (32 bit, below SDK28, for example)? Will it be removed from the store on August 2020?

Last time Google forced developers to update their apps they removed all apps from the store that have not been updated  :wacko:

That’s really a question you would have to ask Google.

But the simple solution is to update the apps and not worry about it.


One last question: there are two build files exported by the SDK, .aab and .apk. So we only need to upload the .aab file to the Play Store to serve both , 64 bit and older 32 bit devices? No need to upload the .apk anymore?

You upload either the .aab or the .apk file. .aab will get rid of the “your app isn’t optimized” warning and give your customers a little bit smaller download than the .apk. However there is an issue with some Android 9 devices that are 32-bit processors and Google kinda gets the version wrong. We haven’t come up with a solution to that problem yet, so if you have customers running 32-bit devices with Android 9, sticking with the .apk may be the safe option.
