When Is Revmob Sdk For Corona Going To Support The Latest Build

Thanks for the updates guys… Gonna be going with 1095 & 5.2 tomoro. Will post my results/findings.
Hoping to bite the bullet & submit a build on Mon… All going well.

Hows the installs looking guys? I havent had a chance to test the last 24hrs… Anyone able to reports any improvements? Are they being reported? Realtime? Delayed? Not at all?
I would like to make a call on revmob or not before submitting my app…

mine just went public 2 days ago, I am seeing, clicks and ad details on the Dashboard, I’ll post back next week to update more details on numbers, etc…

show some log from logcat from the android build maybe i can help out. It should work on android. I fixed it in my old games a while ago.

iOS: Update 2 apps with the new rev mob version etc. Now only one i getting installs the other only clicks and impression…

no replay from revmob yet ? this is becoming more and more annoying.

Hey guys,

I’m still using the old sdk that uses the UDID. I’m getting around 3-4% install rate.

I want to send an update of the game using the latest sdk. Any new? Did you start seeing installs with the new SDK?

Still not showing installs for me guys. My game aint released yet… but I have disabled TEST MODE… and am getting impressions and clicks reported… so would expect installs too.

Corona 1076 with RM 5.1

Gonna try talk to RevMob. This is the only thing holding me up for release… I’d go with an alternative option, but we are so limited with Corona. Anyone any experience with other full screen ad options? (Note: IOS only)



i have same situation, several apps after review but not yet released, no test mode, impressions / clicks or no installs, corona 1076 + RM 5.1, only iOS

Same problem here. I’m only using RevMob for ads and now I’m afraid to upload the binary not knowing if it’s a server side problem or a problem with their lua script.

Tested with no test mod, getting impressions/clicks, no installs corona 2013.1094 on iOS

I emailed them too.

I am using Corona 1100 and Revmob 5.2, is everything okay for this config??  Any official information?


@dev606 That configuration is fine and you should expect an increase in your eCPM once this transition period is over.



what transition ? when it will be over ? its a matter of week or month or a quatter ?


Bladko, Tom Bladko

No, it is not working, I can only see a BLANK/BLACK screen after the launch screen. 

It is iphone5 with ios 6.0.1

@Bladko  It depends on our advertisers but it should be over until the end of the month. During this period install delays may happen.

@dev606 Could you please contact our SDK team at sdk@revmob.com



Yes, I did already. Thanks. 

Sorry guys, been out of action for a bit.
I am now on 1095 with 5.2 and popups and fullscreens are working and reporting for me.
Iphone 4 Ios 6 device… And all xcode sim devices.
Gonna test on iphone 5 and ipad retina later so will get back on that… But dont expect a problem.

Still not seeing any installs on iOS. I hope revmob figure something out soon! Maybe revmob can use the new options on iOS released by corona on build 1095 today. iOS - add system.getInfo() support for “iosAdvertisingIdentifier”, “iosIdentifierForVendor” and "iosAdvertisingTrackingEnabled

No RevMob stat updates for a few days now. I am pretty sure I am going to pull them off my app and replace with something else on IOS - anyone have code for iAds?

I know for a fact I should be getting impressions and a few clicks because my free app is downloaded about 50 + per day.

I think it’s time to look onward…

I’ve had odd results lately with Revmob too. Pretty low install rates then all of a sudden one day within an hour i get like 70 installs. Then it goes back to only a few again. I think it’s their advertisers who are delayed in reporting installs. Not much we can do about it I guess.

I’m currently using Revmob 5.2.1 with Corona daily build 1105. I still have issues with reporting on iOS. I’m using live devices and seeing the Impressions & Clicks on the revmob dashboard…but no installs. Games advertised have been downloaded on the devices and played with no successful tracking on my revmob reports.