when to call facebook.publishinstall() ?

Hi guys,
Have any of you implemented this call yet?
Where should I place that call? In main.lua chunk?
I’m worried that then facebook will charge me
for every install even if it wasn’t redirected from
a facebook ad.
Should I add some conditional logic to the call?


I’m by no means an expert here, but it seems to me that Facebook must be tracking the click through and when that person clicks an add, it waits for a matching install from your app and matches it up.  It looks like you pay based on clicks through to the store, not for actual installs.  They need this call to a) stop future ads since that person has it installed and b ) for reporting purposes.

But like I said, this came from learning what I could on what Facebook has published.  Perhaps some of our other members who have already implemented this feature can chime in.

Hi Rob, Thanks for your help. I,m no fb expert neither, but when I was trying to set a campaign there was an option to choose if I prefer to be charged per clicks or per installs. I guess the first option is for people who forgot to implent publishinstall call (?) But regarding the publishinstall() call placement - do you think it’d be fine to call it once in main.lua with no doubt that fb would think everytime someone installs app that it was made through the fb ad? Thanks, Olaf

I’ve not gotten that far.  I only saw CPC options in the videos and tutorials that I looked through.  Our engineer said it should be called as soon as possible in your main.lua.  Either as part of main.lua or as part of the applicationStarted system event.  This seems to match where in the iOS delegate that they want it to happen. 

Facebook has to understand that your apps will be installed from other places and it would be very unfair for them to charge  you for apps people installed outside of Facebook.  I don’t know if there is a forum or place to ask that question of Facebook, but how they operate is way beyond our ability to answer that. 

Maybe you could search for publishinstall to find the other threads where people have been trying to get it going and PM some of those posters to see what their experience is.

@Rob, thanks for your answers. I’ll try to search as you say.

I have to hope that facebook is fair :slight_smile:

I’m by no means an expert here, but it seems to me that Facebook must be tracking the click through and when that person clicks an add, it waits for a matching install from your app and matches it up.  It looks like you pay based on clicks through to the store, not for actual installs.  They need this call to a) stop future ads since that person has it installed and b ) for reporting purposes.

But like I said, this came from learning what I could on what Facebook has published.  Perhaps some of our other members who have already implemented this feature can chime in.

Hi Rob, Thanks for your help. I,m no fb expert neither, but when I was trying to set a campaign there was an option to choose if I prefer to be charged per clicks or per installs. I guess the first option is for people who forgot to implent publishinstall call (?) But regarding the publishinstall() call placement - do you think it’d be fine to call it once in main.lua with no doubt that fb would think everytime someone installs app that it was made through the fb ad? Thanks, Olaf

I’ve not gotten that far.  I only saw CPC options in the videos and tutorials that I looked through.  Our engineer said it should be called as soon as possible in your main.lua.  Either as part of main.lua or as part of the applicationStarted system event.  This seems to match where in the iOS delegate that they want it to happen. 

Facebook has to understand that your apps will be installed from other places and it would be very unfair for them to charge  you for apps people installed outside of Facebook.  I don’t know if there is a forum or place to ask that question of Facebook, but how they operate is way beyond our ability to answer that. 

Maybe you could search for publishinstall to find the other threads where people have been trying to get it going and PM some of those posters to see what their experience is.

@Rob, thanks for your answers. I’ll try to search as you say.

I have to hope that facebook is fair :slight_smile: