Where download CoronaViewer.framework?

Sorry for my stupid question, but where can i download the CoronaViewer.framework? On Github I see only the Readme file.

CoronaCards framework?

or the CoronaViewer plugin sample app?

Actually no, I’m trying to follow the installation instructions for CoronaViewer 


But I can’t find anywhere the CoronaViewer.framework (binary or source)

On the right hand side of the screen, look for a button labeled “Download ZIP”. The ZIP file that gets downloaded should have all the files you need.

thanks. I tried but the ZIP file contains only the README.md 

Just to double check.  You have CoronaCards.framework and you need CoronaViewer.framework.  Correct?



yes, correct 

Here is the deal.  There is no CoronaViewer.framework.  There is only CoronaCards.framework.  The documentation was wrong.  You need to install CoronaCards.framework, then follow the rest of the steps to use it.  We have updated the docs to reflect this.


ok, i see. thanks. But the CoronaCards.framework doesn’t contains any CoronaViewerController.h.  At least not in CoronaCards.framework 2015.2555


I don’t see a reference in the Readme that references a .h file.    I don’t know that you need to change the header file for CoronaCards.

Now I’ve not tried this, I’m just speculating, in the ViewController.h, you would do something like:

 #import "CoronaCards/CoronaCards.h"   @interface ViewController : CoronaViewerController // change View to Viewer here   @end 

Then in  ViewController.mm do:

@implementation ViewController - (void)viewDidLoad {     [super viewDidLoad];     // Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.     CoronaViewer \*view = (CoronaViewer \*)self.view;     [view run]; }  

Or something like that…


hi rob. actually that’s the first thing I have tried. but Xcode fails with "Unkown Type ‘CoronaViewerController’. The binary framework dosen’t contains any CoronaViewerController . Normally it is best practice to have a header file for each class in the framework.

i guess you have to try it. sorry


Engineering is looking into the problem.

thanks. any news?

Not yet, they are still working on it.


CoronaCards framework?

or the CoronaViewer plugin sample app?

Actually no, I’m trying to follow the installation instructions for CoronaViewer 


But I can’t find anywhere the CoronaViewer.framework (binary or source)

On the right hand side of the screen, look for a button labeled “Download ZIP”. The ZIP file that gets downloaded should have all the files you need.

thanks. I tried but the ZIP file contains only the README.md 

Just to double check.  You have CoronaCards.framework and you need CoronaViewer.framework.  Correct?



yes, correct